Deutsches Haus means “German House” in German. We’re most known for Oktoberfest, but we do SO much more. Our mission is to preserve and foster Germanic heritage and culture throughout the Gulf South. Did you know Deutsches Haus is the largest membership culture organization in the city (with over 650 members)? Also, did you know that Germans are the largest ethnic group in the U.S.? (Ad Week article, March 18, 2012, The Largest U.S. Ethic Group? It’s Germans). It’s because we’re too proud to boast about it and we’ve assimilated so well that people barely notice. Well, it’s time to celebrate German heritage. We’re building our New Haus, and are in the middle of our Capital Campaign to raise money for our new facility. We need your support! Please visit our table to join as a member, learn more about our events or to hear about our New Haus across from City Park, along Bayou St. John.
We offer German language lessons; host the International German speaking fraternity, Schlaraffia, that promotes friendship, art, and humor; support our singing groups Saengerchor (men’s choir), Damenchor (women’s choir) and Kinderchor (children’s choir). We also have Cultural Evenings called Kulturabend, where we highlight authors, speakers, and singers/bands/musicians. Twice a month we have German KINO (film/movie) night. Our Ladies Auxiliary hosts German Dinners (by local Executive Chefs). We have International Dinners and Wine & Cheese Tastings too. Plus, many family and kid-friendly events. All our events are open to the public and several are free.
To celebrate and express our German heritage, we conduct festivals such as our famous Oktoberfest, but also Heurigen (An Austrian Wine Festival) and Sommerfest which feature authentic German music, food and beverages for all to enjoy, including activities for the kids. Most importantly, these festivals introduce our German heritage to the New Orleans public.
Further, we fund 3-5 scholarships through the University of New Orleans, Center Austria, Innsbruck, Study Abroad program. In addition, we also sponsor, donate money, time and/or resources (food, beer, space completely free or at a discounted rate), to the following other charities and groups throughout our community: K-9’s for Warriors, Jefferson Parish Fire Fighters Union, N.O. Fire Fighters Union, NOPD First District, 610 Stompers, Disco Amigos, Krewe of Iris, St. Baldrick’s Foundation, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Henry’s Hearts, Joey’s Hope for Hungry Children, American Legion, NOLHAM Troupe, Crescent City Homebrewers, etc.